Wednesday, June 27, 2012

February 16th, 1492

I was walking alone, wondering where the Hunters I have met on my journeys are, and I saw it. The bloody demon. I gave chase. It leads me right to a field of murdered children. I fell to my knees and cried. They all had the blood hair blue eyes of my brothers. I fell to my knees and cried in pain. I screamed for it to come kill me. This war! What are you waiting for you bloody demon? What are you waiting for when I am not waiting? When I am breaking the rules? Killing demons, and mortals alike in my hunt for you. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Oh Lord help me! I don’t know what I stand for anymore. I don’t know why I truly do this anymore. Is it just revenge? Is it more? Do I do it for the right reasons? Do I even care? What do I stand for? Oh Lord I need redemption. I need you to save me… or do I? Is it you that is meant to save me? Or is another? The holy men I run into… they cry for me. They worry for me… they know something… they see something… Someone save me… please…

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