Thursday, May 17, 2012

August 10th, 1491

Ran into a bunch of Doppelsugers, damned children.  It saddens me, but Doppelsugers are created when a young child is smothered by a parent.  They are children that come back from the dead to kill and eat their family.  They start with the parent that killed them, and then they work through the family, after that they will attach any human.  To see a body of one killed by a Doppelsuger is kind of gross.  They are torn apart, nothing left really on the inside, just bones and skin and hair.  To destroy them is horrible, they look so much like innocent children, but they are not.  You do an exorcism, stake the body with a Hawthorne stake, and then place 2 silver coins upon the eyes, then throw in your mix of herbs and oils, and burn the body.

I used:
Salt (my favorite, or at least the cheapest)

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