Ran in to a Rakshasa, and after a few days of research went and destroyed it.
Rakshasas generally attack women and children, but loved to process men and drive them mad. They are form kings or leaders, or someone with power at one time. T Hey are grotesque, they have orange fiery eyes, a large tongue that hangs from its mouth (normally bleeding as their razor sharp teeth bite down on it) They are full of coarse body hair, and have potbellies, have horns and either have 1 arm and 3 legs or 3 arms and 1 leg. They love wearing wreaths made of the entrails of the victims. They can either become invisible, but love turning into animals, most common is a black dog, but will turn into owls or vultures. They will kill their victim, drink their blood, let the body rot for a few days, then from the skull eat the rotting brain, and then the skin, and finally the decayed muscles. To get rid of them you must burn herbs, do a chant, then dig up the body and burn it then bury the ashes, placing a large stone on the burial spot.
Herbs needed to burn:
Milk Thistle
Dragon's Blood (super rare had to trade 4 knives and 2 dozen arrows for 5 sticks)
Kari, born Catherine Von Kampen, Born October 31st, 1472 Died November 16th, 1492 Brought Back to Life November 16th, 1493 AS A GUARDIAN She gave her life to fight the beings of hell, and now she will give her soul to continue the battle. Long thought lost, this is the first Journal of a Guardian that once roamed the world fighting Lucifer's Minions. Now you have discovered the truth, may her notes show you the way to live in this world. To fight for you life, as your eyes are now Wide Open!
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